Sunday 25 May 2014

Game of Thrones: unusual use of female nudity

Warning: partial NSFW

The TV-Show 'Game of Thrones' is known for using a lot of female nudity, however I noticed these two scenes where a woman's nudity had very unusual connotations.  These two moments really stood out to me, when compared to the rest of the show. The first is during Season 1 Episode 10, called 'Fire And Blood', directed by Alan Taylor. During the final minutes of the episode, we see Daenerys Targaryen in the ashes of the funeral pyre of her husband Drago. She stepped into the fire together with some dragon eggs. In the morning after the pyre, we see that she has miraculously survived the fire, and the three dragons have hatched. The Dothraki, the people she rules, fall to their knees as they see her emerge naked from the ashes, her dress having been burned by the flames. Prior to this, she has been shown naked in order to show her sexuality, or how she gains power through her sexuality, now she is shown naked to show that her power is within her, and she doesn't need anyone or anything in order to be powerful. She is like a phoenix emerging from the ashes, and now that both her husband and her brother have died, two men who have had great influence on her, she is 'born' again with even greater powers. In the fire that claims her husband's dead body, she is reborn and finds new powers, her dragons. 

The second episode I referred to was the episode 'Kissed by Fire', Season 3 Episode 5, directed by Alex Graves. Brienne, who is as close to a female knight as the society of Game of Thrones allows, is washing herself in a bathtub. She is then joined by the recently injured Jamie Lannister. At first she wants him to use another tub, but then accepts that he joins her because he is worried he might faint and drown. Brienne then tries to hide her body, and stops washing herself. The two then have an argument, and when Jamie makes a remark that upsets Brienne, she stands up and faces him fully nude. This action symbolises her power, and her nakedness shows her strength rather than her sexual attractiveness, ectr. The movement is also like she is willing to take Jamie on in a fight, and overall a more aggressive rather than passive and sexual nudity. Jamie apologises, and she sits back down. The two continue talking, and Jamie reveals the reason why he killed the past king, which surprises Brienne and causes her to think differently about Jamie. Then Jamie faints, and she rushes to his side holding him above water, while calling for help. (A more detailed description of the scene can be found here: x)

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